Soccer Girl 2.0

Kate has played a variety of organized sports, but at this point Karsten has only tried individual sports (gymnastics and swimming). We told her that this was the year she could pick a new sport to try out. She did NOT want to play basketball in the winter with Kate, nor did she want to play softball. Soccer was what she had her heart set on, so early this year I signed her up for soccer.
Here she is modeling her new cleats, with PINK stripes! Reminds me of the first year Kate played soccer. Pink galore!

I played soccer growing up, but I did not try to influence her in any way on which sport sign up for! She did this one all on her own!
Here she is at her very first practice. They ran, stretched, practiced ball control, and of course took some shots.

Afterward she told me “Mama! That was so fun!”

We got in a grand total of 2 practices, and then entered social distancing mode thanks to COVID-19. The soccer season is officially cancelled after two practices and no games, but without a doubt, we’ll be back! This is definitely not the end of Karsten’s soccer career!