
This girl. She is miss independent.  Always has been.  The task at hand might be something impossibly hard, but she is going to try to do it all by herself.

She is strong willed.  She’s a daddy’s girl. She is hilarious. She is always on the go, always running, and ALWAYS talking.

Girl doesn’t stop.

She is our oldest, and she is the girl that made me a mama.

And this girl.  We’re starting to discover her personality.
She is a mamas girl through and through.  (But of course she loves her Daddy and sister, too!)
She has a sweet spirit but definitely knows how to turn on the screams to make her intentions and wants known!


She is my little cuddler and my night owl.

She is the one that made us a family of FOUR.

It’s too early to say that our girls have nothing in common.  In fact, even at 6 months old, Karsten reminds me of Kate in so many different ways. She will act in a way that gives me a sense of deja vu and I will feel like I’ve been transported back 3.5 years to when Kate was 6 months old.
But I will say that we can already see how different their personalities are.  As they get older, they may not share the same interests.  They may not be involved in the same activities, or sports.  One may love sports and the other may be into music or books.  Who knows what they’ll end up enjoying!  The point is, they may not have a whole lot in common.
But that won’t matter. Because they will always be sisters.


There will always be that bond.

They will be there for each other.


They will make each other laugh.  And cry.
By the way, the next picture makes me laugh… Kate was pouting because she “didn’t wanna be in the picture”.

I know we will have rough days ahead.  That’s just part of having two girls (or kids in general).  I grew up with a sister, so I know at least a little bit of what is in store.  Right now, my girls love each other.  Of course they love each other, but right now, they LOVE each other.  They get along.  They “play” together (as much as you can with a 6 month old.) They aren’t to an age where they are fighting… yet.

But I know it’s coming.  Before too long, the competitiveness and the jealousy will set in.  And they will fight. They will be mean to each other.  At times they will not like each other.  They will yell at each other. There will be tears.

But in the midst of all of the fighting, they will still be sisters. And one day, maybe not until they are both grown and out of our house,  they will realize just how special they are to each other.  They will “get” what it means to be sisters.

And I’m so thankful they will have each other.


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