Karsten is SEVEN

October has become a busy month! On Wednesday we celebrated Karsten’s seventh birthday.
We had some pictures done by a photographer friend, and I’m sharing these next two just because I love them so much. Kevin and Kate were at a Georgia game the day we did these pictures, so I was able to get away with a Clemson jersey for Karsten. 🙂 In my defense, 1 + 6 = SEVEN!
For Kate’s tenth birthday, I put together a little video with pictures of her from a baby up to age 10. When Karsten saw it, she said “Where is mine!?” so I had to promise one for her birthday too. These things were time consuming, but they’re super special to me. We are so thankful for this girl, and that she is a part of our family. She is sassy, silly, crazy, smart as a whip, and loves to make you laugh. We love her so! Happy birthday, sweet girl. You are the best!