First Day of School (Finally!)

Well. I took an unexpected blog break due to the fact that I was having some technology issues. I had to get some professional help, and we’re still working out some kinks, but hopefully I am back. And boy do I have a lot to catch up on! First of all, my girls started school in August. And they are actually back IN school! Thank you, Jesus!

So back in late August, Kate started FOURTH GRADE and Karsten started KINDERGARTEN. And boy, were they ready for it!

In our school district, the kids started out going just one day a week in person. The other 4 days were E-Learning days, done at home with a laptop. This is 2020 at it’s finest. Thankfully, they quickly moved to 2 days a week in person.

About 2 months in, they started phasing in the younger grades to full time in-person learning and as of just last week (mid-November), BOTH kids started going to school full time in-person! We are praying the COVID numbers don’t start climbing because our family really, really needs for our kids to be in school. And I don’t mean for childcare reasons, but they are definitely kids who need instruction from an actual, trained teacher. And that’s not me!

Karsten was SO ready for kindergarten. I’m not exaggerating when I say that she has been waiting YEARS for this day. She didn’t even want me to walk her in. Due to COVID we weren’t allowed to walk our kids in, but thankfully they allowed the kindergarten parents to walk our kids to the door. Karsten wasn’t about to take that away from me! She may have been ready, but I was not!

The funniest thing to me was that during the first week of school, Karsten had been assigned some E-Learning. It was a link to a YouTube video with teachers flashing up letters and then saying the letter name and sound. Karsten knocked them all out easily and then the final slide popped up and it said something along the lines of “PreSchool Learning”. She flipped out and started crying…. “But MOM…. I am NOT in preschool! I am in KINDERGARTEN. Why are they making us do this baby stuff!?!?”

Kate was SO ready to see her friends! She knew a few kids who were in her class, but since they started off just one day a week, she only had 6 kids with her the first few weeks. After being at home for 6+ months, she was thankful to even see those 6 kids!

And in keeping with how 2020 is currently going, this is the most accurate representation of the first day of school! Never in a million years would I have guessed masks would be part of the school attire. But, if masks let them be in-person, we will take it!


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