Southern Snow Day

Here in SC, we rarely get snow. And when we do get snow, it’s usually a “light dusting”. Every winter, meteorologists always call for some HUGE snowstorm that typically doesn’t pan out. So, earlier this week when all of the weather stations were calling for the biggest snow storm in SC history, I didn’t really give it much credit. And then the Governor of our state declared us in a State of Emergency nearly 4 hours before the storm actually reached us. So I started wondering if we really were going to get snow or not, but pretty quickly decided that it was all just a lot of hype for nothing.
And then, it actually did snow. However, we didn’t get the 8-10 inches that they’d called for. Instead, we got THREE WHOLE INCHES. I am being a little too sarcastic, because three inches is a LOT for us. And we were lucky, because most of the areas in our state got all rain and no snow.
So snow day it was. And thus the reason for the picture overload below- Kate’s 2nd real snow day, and Karsten’s first!
I can’t believe how big she is looking these days. No longer a toddler, and though she really is only 3, she looks like a school aged kid to me! Tear!
We got the best amount of snow to play in, and by 5pm on the same day, it was about 90% gone. That makes for a perfect snow day.
That is a very legit snowman. Love the pictures–the girls are getting so big! The last picture is especially sweet.
That is a very legit snowman. Love the pictures–the girls are getting so big! The last picture is especially sweet.
That snowman is adorable.
That snowman is adorable.
Oh goodness, they are both too precious. They did a great job on their snowman too! We got snow this year and too much in my opinion. This is the first time I remember in many years that we had this much. Our last storm brought like 13 inches. We took the kids snow tubing and then I was done with it. Unfortunately, it's still on the ground. I'm so ready for Spring
Oh goodness, they are both too precious. They did a great job on their snowman too! We got snow this year and too much in my opinion. This is the first time I remember in many years that we had this much. Our last storm brought like 13 inches. We took the kids snow tubing and then I was done with it. Unfortunately, it's still on the ground. I'm so ready for Spring
That is adorable. I LOVE the idea of using hersheys kisses for the mouth and eyes! I bet they stick well due to their shape, and they look awesome! What a fun snow day 🙂
That is adorable. I LOVE the idea of using hersheys kisses for the mouth and eyes! I bet they stick well due to their shape, and they look awesome! What a fun snow day 🙂