
Kindergarten Graduate

It seems like every day there is just one more thing happening that is further proof that our kids are growing up.  Today was one of those days.  Years are FLYING past, and it seems like just yesterday that Kevin and I were waiting and praying for a phone call from our adoption agency, to let us know that a birth family had selected us to parent their child.  In reality, all of that waiting and praying happened nearly SIX years ago.  Where has the time gone? 

And that baby we prayed for?  Well, she is now a kindergarten graduate. 
Cue the tears. 
She knows all of her letters, knows the letter sounds and the combination sounds.  She can READ, y’all.  I mean I remember learning to do that in first grade. And the books we read in first grade were things like “See Spot run. Spot can run fast.”  She is legit reading, and I’m so proud of her!  It’s also a little scary. Kevin and I have basically had to stop spelling things in front of her when we’re trying to “code” our talk, because it doesn’t work! She figures it out.

She has learned MATH.  She can count to a hundred.  She can also add and subtract double digit numbers with single digit numbers in her head.  (For example 47 + 8 = 55)

Her school didn’t have a kindergarten graduation (with caps and gowns) like I remember having as a kid, but they did have a K5 awards program a few days before school got out. Kevin and I were able to both be there.  The kids sang a song at the beginning, and after all of the big awards were given out, we were all able to go back to the individual classes and the teachers handed out some additional awards.  Kate was given the award for being an All Star at Circle Time.  As her teacher explained, Kate ALWAYS has an answer to whatever it is they are discussing, even if it is neuroscience. Sounds about right to me.  Anytime Kevin and I try to tell her something, she say “I already know that!” 
She loves her school, and so do we.  Kevin and I had NO idea what elementary schools were great in our area. We debated private schools, but in the end, we decided to stay with the public school we are zoned for, and I am so glad we did. Kate had two awesome teachers, who loved her and gave her so many life-skills, even beyond reading and writing. 
I know this post has been a bit picture-heavy, but here is just one more.  From her first day to her last day, she has grown so much. And now, on to first grade.  But first, summertime!

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