K-3 Preschool Graduate

On Tuesday, Karsten had her very last day of K-3.

She attends preschool at a local church and has had a fantastic year. This mama heart can’t handle how fast her girls are growing up! Next year will be Karsten’s last year of preschool before she starts Kindergarten. I mean honestly, she could probably do fine in Kindergarten if she started RIGHT NOW. The girl is crazy smart. But, we are thankful for one more year at home before she and Kate are both in school together.

On Tuesday, Kevin dropped her off like normal but then I came to the school around 10:30 for a fun end-of-year picnic. Kate’s teacher has been amazing. She read a poem to the kids (through all of her tears) and gave them all a book bag filled with fun goodies. You can tell she loves her job, and our kids, so for that I am so grateful!

I love doing pictures on the first day of school and last day of school, just so I can see HOW MUCH they change each year. While Karsten is a bit taller, I’m thankful this wasn’t one of those years where the comparison looks like two different kids! 🙂

What a busy school year it has been, but it has been such a wonderful one. And now, we say “goodbye” to K-3 and get ready to have a fun-filled summer!