iPhone Kinda Weekend

I didn’t even pull out my real camera this weekend, so I’ll have to re-cap the past few days using pictures from my phone and from Instagram!

The first 2 pictures are couple of days old, but I thought I’d share anyway.  We finally got a few baby gates to keep Kate in the same room that we’re in.  Success!  This was when she first saw the gate.  Her reaction?  She hiked up her leg and tried to climb over it.  I think we’re in trouble.

If you remember from this post, the last time I gave Kate green beans they were the Gerber pick-ups kind and she did NOT like them.  I tried to mix in cheerios and it did not work.  She picked out all of the cheerios.  Well, apparently it’s only the Gerber green beans that she doesn’t like, not all green beans.  I’ve made them twice for her and she’s eaten them like they’re her favorite food ever.  Good to know she likes her Mama’s cooking!

This picture is from yesterday.  She was in a good mood.  Probably because she had food.  Who knows.  I told her to wave though, and she did. 🙂 

I spent this afternoon getting some of Kate’s party stuff ready for next weekend.  FIVE days until I have a one year old.  This time last year, Kevin and I were wondering when we would get THE call that Kate was on her way.  It really is amazing how much has changed in a year!  Here’s a sneak peak of a few of the things I’ve been working on.  I’ll definitely show it all once we have her party, but this will have to do for now.

While searching Pinterest last night for some easy hair styles, I came across this one.  I am not good at fixing hair AT ALL.  Basically my style consists of just wearing it all down (99% of the time), wearing it 1/2 way up, and a pony tail.  I tried this one and it was pretty easy.  And if I say something is easy, it’s easy.

While Kate was eating dinner tonight, I tried to get a quick picture of the two of us.  I used my camera phone and flipped the camera around so that we could see ourselves on the screen.  Guess I hadn’t done that with Kate recently, because she thought it was the greatest thing ever!  She loved it.  So I snapped a few more…

So that’s it for us!  We had another great weekend.  How about YOU?

PS- I posted a GIVEAWAY POST earlier today.  Check it out if you’d like to win a Veggie Tales DVD for your child, grandchild, niece, nephew, etc.  You don’t have to do anything to enter, just follow me and leave a comment on the giveaway post letting me know you’d like to win!  The giveaway runs from now through 9pm on August 10th.  Check it out.


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