Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween from the cutest watermellon ever! I may be a little biased, but really, can it get much cuter than this?
Happy Halloween from the cutest watermellon ever! I may be a little biased, but really, can it get much cuter than this?
At this point, baby boy is ALMOST 9 months but I’m just about caught up on his monthly posts! He turned 8 months way back…
I have a habit of reading my Bible app when I’m drying my hair in the morning. One thing about being a mama is that…
Thought this one was too cute not to share. Love this girl and it’s my prayer that the words she is singing will ring true…
I’m about a week late in posting this, but oh well. Kate was 4 months old last Saturday and I wanted to post some pictures…
This past Sunday we had our first “official” visit with Kate’s birth parents. We were able to see her birth mom again about two weeks…
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