First Day of Preschool

I fully recognize the randomness of these posts, and just how out of order they are. BUT, I’m just playing catch up and trying to get it all back out there.
At the beginning of September, Kallen began his last year of Parents Day Out at a local church near our house. I can’t believe that this year will wrap up the last year of PDO for our family! He still has 3k and 4k to go, but my baby is growing up too fast.

Last year Kallen really struggled with drop off. He did NOT want to leave us and cried a good many of the mornings. He had a blast after we left but the separation anxiety was real. This year, he skips right in and says “Bye Mama!” before I even have a chance to give him a hug.

I know this feels to you like the same photo over and over. Sorry not sorry. Have to share these because this is life with Kallen. Giggles, smiles, and so much laughter. Class clown vibes for sure. We love this guy so much.