Catching Up

Tonight my family went to dinner and my girls asked me why I never blog anymore. “Ummmmm……”, I tell them. “Because I’m busy. Or I wasn’t sure what to post. I don’t know.”

After getting home, on their own they decide to go pick out matching PJs for themselves and their little brother. The options are slim because most of Kallen’s PJs that matched the girls were zip up PJs and he has a BAD habit of chewing on the zipper and destroying all of his zippered pajamas. So the only option they found were ones that are well over a year old. Kallen’s are size 18-24 months, and he is currently wearing size 3T. Kate’s are kids Size 10 and she is currently in a women’s size 2.  Karstens more or less fit.  They squeezed into the pajamas, told me to grab my camera and plopped themselves on the couch for a picture “so that I would have something to blog about tonight.”

So here I am.

So here is a quick update on us and then I promise I will try to do better about keeping updated – for my kids sake!

Kate – Is now a middle schooler! How in the world did that happen? She is thriving and while academics don’t come easy to her, she works her tail off and had all A’s the last time we got progress reports! She is still a fantastic artist and is hoping to get into Art class for 7th grade. It is super competitive so we’ll see if that happens or not. She has found her sport with basketball. This winter she played on our church’s middle school girls basketball team and had a blast. Her coach also coaches our high school girls team and he was FANTASTIC. She grew a lot this year and hopes to try out for middle school basketball next year. She is officially taller than me – and by more than just an inch. She is way past me. She is sweet and caring, and is growing up way too fast.

Karsten – Is in 2nd grade and is loving school. She is testing next week for our local Challenge program, which is our districts “Gifted & Talented” program, and gives additional instruction each week. This is the first normal school year that she has had and she is getting to experience things that she didn’t realize she missed before – like field trips and birthday parties. She is a social butterfly and I hear about so many new kids every week. She begged to try a new activity this year and so she is enrolled in dance classes for the first time- tap classes, to be exact. She loves it and wants her recital to be a surprise so she has been super secretive about what she is learning. All we know is that there are 4 kids in her class and they are dancing to a song from The Princess & the Frog (a family favorite movie in our house!). She is loud and messy, and a little all over the place. She is the sweetest kid and her laugh is so contagious.

Kallen – Started Mother’s Day Out this year and is making friends in his class. We had a rough start because he was so attached to his Mommy, Daddy and Nana. But now he loves school and every time we pass by the church where he goes, he will say “That’s my school! That’s my playground!” He is a mama’s boy and I love that when we are in the living room he will say “I wanna sit in your lap.”  I’m going to hold onto that for as long as I can! He is ALL BOY. I never knew exactly what that meant before, but he doesn’t sit still for a single moment. Toys don’t keep him entertained. He is just all over the place, always on the go, and always talking or loud. His vocabulary can rival a 4 year old. Like the girls, he is also the sweetest kid. He has the BEST manners, and almost always remembers to say “Please” and “Thank you”. He loves hugs and kisses and I cannot believe he is 2.5 years old.

So that’s the kids update. They keep us busy. Like incredibly, exhaustingly busy. 3 kids. 3 completely different stages of life – toddlerhood, elementary school, middle school. But man they are fun and it’s so fulfilling to be their Mama. I’m so thankful God trusted us with them.


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