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Karsten: Two Months

I blinked again, and this happened!

On Saturday, Karsten turned 2 months old.  I’m not quite sure where the past two months have gone, but they have FLOWN by. This little girl is growing so quickly and changing every minute. She is so much fun and we are all very much in love with her.
Karsten has been “talking” to us lately, and we loves the coos and babbles that come out of her mouth.


Her sleeping has been GREATLY improved.  We’ve been using Babywise again, and attribute her 7 hour stretches partly to the routine that we’ve been establishing. Though we have been a lot more lax with it than we were with Kate, it still seems to be working!  Karsten has been eating somewhere between 3-4 oz every 3 hours during the daytime, and at night, we just let her go until she lets us know she is hungry.  And believe me, she lets us know!


We had her 2 month appointment today (along with the shots- tear! ) and Karsten is most definitely growing. She is our long, lean girl.

Height: 23 1/4 inches (85%)
Weight: 10 lbs 12.5 oz (39%)
Head Circumference: 15 inches (49%)


She has the most serious expressions when she is checking you out.

And then she busts into the sweetest smiles. We’ve also been lucky and gotten a few laughs!

For now, I’m making the most of my last few weeks at home with her and Kate. I know I’ll be posting a THREE month blog again before I know it! 🙂   And just for comparison sake, here is Karsten at 1 and 2 months old.



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