Wonderful Weekend

I meant to update this last night, but that didn’t happen.  As soon as I sat down to blog, we got hit with a big lightening storm.  After the disastrous storm that we had almost exactly a year ago, we pretty much run around the house and unplug everything we possibly can to avoid another lightening strike.  Needless to say, the laptop was unplugged and I did not blog about our weekend.

So, I’ll blog about it now…

This weekend was wonderful.  We didn’t do anything.  We didn’t go anywhere.  It was fantastic.

I feel like we’ve either gone somewhere or had something to do every weekend since busy season was over.  This might be a slight exaggeration, but not much.  So it was great to be able to sleep in on Saturday, hang around the house with each other, go to lunch together, and do whatever we wanted to do.

We spent almost all of Saturday at home.  Kevin let me sleep in, and I stayed in bed til 9:30.  Awesome!  We finally got motivated and decided to go eat lunch at Little Pig’s BBQ.  Kate got her first taste of BBQ and loved it- not surprised.

Since we were already over that way, we ran to the mall so I could exchange something and Kevin could go look around the golf store.  I guess the combination of lunch and shopping wore Kate out. 

Since Kate has become more mobile she is go-go-go ALL the time.  She has never been much of a cuddler (is that even a word?) but she is even less of one now that she can pretty much get herself where ever she wants to.  The ONLY time that she is somewhat relaxed and calm is when she’s having her bedtime bottle.  And this isn’t even an all the time thing.  So I said all of that to say, I really enjoy it when she lets me hold her.  Definitely enjoy this evening bottle time! 

If you live anywhere in the US, you probably know that the southeast had a major heat wave come through this past weekend.  It was NOT fun to see this…

It ended up getting up to over 106 degrees, which is an all time record for where we live.  Crazy. After church on Sunday, we went to lunch and on the way home I stripped Kate down to just her diaper to ride home.  She got so flushed and sweaty on the 10 min ride home and I felt SO BAD.  I drive an older SUV that does not have air vents in the back seat.  Even though the A/C was blasting, and it was all aimed toward the back, it never cooled off before we got home.  It doesn’t help that Kate is still rear-facing.  Kate spent the rest of the day in just her diaper.  Call us redneck if you want to, but she was cool. 🙂

It was so hot that we let our outside dogs come in for a little while.  They only came in our laundry room, but they seemed to enjoy the air conditioning.  Kate liked having them nearby too.

Happy Monday!


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