I am terrible at doing this every week, but I’m going to go for it anyway. The first thing that I’m loving today is the fact that April 17th is less than a week away! Just a few more days, and I’ll have a life outside of work again!
I’m taking next Thursday and Friday off. Kevin and I are taking Kate and heading to Savannah, GA for a few days of relaxation and fun. I can’t wait! My first full weekend in about 3 months, and I get to spend it in such a pretty place. We’re planning on getting in the pool at our hotel, and it will be Kate’s first pool encounter. Since she enjoys her baths so much, we THINK she’ll like it but I guess we will have to see! I think I will be the happiest person alive to see April 17th get here. Well, at least as happy as all of those other CPA’s out there doing taxes.
I’m also loving these puffs by Happy Baby. We just let Kate try them a few days ago and she LOVED them. I know she eventually has to start eating more solid foods and less purees, but I’m a little nervous about it. The great thing about these things is that they melt in her mouth, but they’re sold enough to teach her to chew. She’s tried the banana flavored ones so far, and I even tried one myself. I have to say, I didn’t taste any bananas at all. Kate didn’t seem to mind.
The past few months, we’ve had a hard time going out to eat with Kate. I know that’s pretty normal but the problem was, Kate wanted to eat if we were eating. So we’d usually have to bring a jar of baby food and feed her as we were eating, otherwise it was not pretty. Last night we went to a local pizza place with my sister and a friend, and brought these along for Kate. They were great. They kept her occupied and happy, and we got to eat in peace. Success.
I love (and hate) the fact that Kate is crawling better and better every day, starting to pull up by herself, and almost standing on her own. It’s so much fun to watch her learn, grow and accomplish things on her own. She gets so proud of herself and I love to see her face when she’s realized what she’s done all by herself (like standing). At the same time, it’s also sad to watch her pass right through each stage of development. Kate was 8 months old yesterday, and I am a little behind on my monthly update. I’ll try to have that posted within the next few days. Here are a few pictures from tonight of her standing.
And there is so much more that I am thankful for, including sleep. So on that note, I think that’s what I’ll go be thankful for in this moment. Happy Wednesday!
Picture overload coming in the next few posts. You’ve been warned! 🙂 My family celebrated Christmas on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. We started off…