What I’m Loving Wednesday

Haven’t done this in a while but I’m jumping back on the Wednesday bandwagon.

Here we go!  Here’s what I’m loving this Wednesday.

1.  I am more of a chap stick or lip balm girl.  Occasionally I’ll put a little color on my lips but I don’t usually buy lipsticks.  I LOVE Burt’s Bees lip products.  I have a ton of them, but this is my latest favorite…

It’s pink grapefruit-  so yummy, refreshing and perfect for summer. 
2. I LOVE this all-purpose cleaner by Method.  All of the cleaning products are (now) locked up and baby proofed, but this brand is also non-toxic, which is a big plus with a baby in the house.   And it cleans great!
3. Baby pig tails. So fun!

4.  Our new baby-containment system when we’re working in the yard.  Technically it’s not new, this was just one of the first times we brought it outside.  Kate wasn’t too thrilled with her situation.  She’d have rather been eating grass.

5. This post by Kevin about my first Mother’s Day as a Mommy.

6. Our upcoming beach vacation!  3.5 weeks and counting!

What are YOU loving this Wednesday?


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