Weekending (Sort of)

I feel like these days, every time I sit down to write a blog post, I’m writing about what sicknesses we’ve been dealing with.  We have NEVER had this much sickness since Kevin and I have been married, and lately it seems like it is one thing after another.  First Kate had an ear infection, then it didn’t go away and turned into a double ear infection.  Then, she had a bad reaction to augmentin and we had to get her medication switched.  Next, Kevin and I both had stomach virus.  And now, I have a sinus infection and an ear infection. Oh and this is all within the last 3 weeks. Seriously.  We need to catch a break around here.  
This weekend, I was on Kate-duty all alone while Kevin was in bed with the virus.  We try not to let Kate watch much TV (if any), and the main reason is because she learns the characters and begs to watch them.  Some days, you just do what you have to do.  So Saturday, we watched a lot of “Chuggy” (Chuggington) and “Ein-tine” (Little Einsteins) and spent half the day in our pajamas.  

We also did a little bit of this…

I never realized how happy these little Popsicle sticks would make her, but they do.  She makes a MESS but has so much fun.  We store them in a little box, and I love how she will hold the box high, dump every last stick out, and then say “Oh no!” in a tone that suggests that something is WRONG.  Nevermind the fact that she was the one that made the mess.  Some of the best $2 ever spent.


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