
After busy season, our weekends started getting booked up FAST.  This is the only weekend in about an 8 week period of time that we didn’t/don’t have to go anywhere, so we took advantage of it.  We stayed around the house all weekend, and it turns out that’s just what this little family needed.  Of course the monsoon that we’ve been getting kind of limited what we would have been able to do anyway. 
Saturday night I made a few new bows for Kate and decided to put her in pigtails on Sunday. 

By the time we got to church, Kate was not feeling so great.  We came straight home after church was over and Kate spent the day napping and snuggling. This is SO not normal for our busy little girl. 

We spent a good bit of the day watching the Lion King.  After it was over, Kate kept saying “Simba! Simba!”.  Throughout the movie, she kept naming all of the animals.  She was insisting that there was a cow in there.  Um, okay, Kate.  
All in all, it was a good weekend, besides Kate not feeling so great today.  We’re hoping she’s all better in the morning. 

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  1. Did she make you watch it over and over? That's the only way my niece would watch Disney movies. Weeekks of Robin Hood, then Cinderalla, then back to Robin Hood.

    We were all happy when she was happy with just one viewing!

  2. Did she make you watch it over and over? That's the only way my niece would watch Disney movies. Weeekks of Robin Hood, then Cinderalla, then back to Robin Hood.

    We were all happy when she was happy with just one viewing!

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