It seems like we have inadvertently started a weekend tradition of eating pizza. There is a new restaurant that has opened in our city that we’ve been to a few times, then Kevin wanted Giordano’s pizza for his birthday, and last night we went to yet another pizza place that we used to visit fairly often, but hadn’t been to in a long time. They have the BEST chocolate chip pizza, and that’s the main reason that we go. Their food is good too, but the chocolate chip pizza makes the trip worth it. Kate seemed to agree with us…
We didn’t have any real plans this morning, so we mostly stayed around the house. Kevin cut the grass, trimmed the bushes, etc. Kate and I played around for a little while.
And she pulled out her favorite toy- her drumsticks. She only gets to play with these when she’s VERY supervised.
Since I’ve already put so many pictures on this one post, I’ll save the rest from today for a separate post. Besides, it’s time to go watch some more college football. 🙂 Hope everyone is having a great weekend. We sure are enjoying this one at home!
The weekend before Thanksgiving, my mom, Kristi, Kate and I decided somewhat last-minute to take a long weekend trip to Charleston to visit my grandmother….