Week & Weekend

We had a crazy/packed week, and had a lot of stuff going on this weekend too.  I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had time for a real blog update until now.  
This week started my first few days at a new job!  I haven’t mentioned it on here, but I recently changed jobs.  I’ll be doing the same thing, but with a different firm and with reduced hours.  Well, reduced hours for a public accountant anyway.  I’ll be working 40 hours a week, year round.  Only in public accounting would you have to go to a reduced schedule to work a regular 40 hour per week schedule, but I am pretty excited about this!  
I have absolutely loved working with the firm I was with previously, and I’ll miss seeing my former co-workers every day.  I made some great friends, and look forward to continuing those friendships forward.  However, I’m really excited about this new opportunity.  I’ve already met some great people, and as a plus, my sister already works for this company.  I had a great first week and know that this will be a really good change for our family… especially during the January-April months!
In addition to starting a new job, we had Vacation Bible School this week.  One of our youth and I taught the 3, 4 and 5 year old class and let me tell you, they wore me out!  They were a handful, but we had so much fun and HOPEFULLY they learned a lot.  We had 15 kids each night and FOUR of them were named Emma.  It was definitely a little confusing. 
So that was this week.  Saturday, Kevin and I met up with my mom, my sister, my aunt, my cousin, and her little boy for lunch downtown.  We got there a few minutes early so Kate was entertained by playing in the car. 
After lunch we went to see the Lion King.  It was SO, so good.  I loved it.  I think the word amazing is pretty over-used, but it really would fit here.  It was amazing.  The costumes were beyond anything I could have thought they would have been, and it was just a great show.  If you ever get the chance  to see this, I would say go for it!  

After the show, I came home and we did the typical evening stuff- dinner, Kate’s bath, and bedtime.  I had to throw this picture from bath time in because I just cannot believe how long Kate’s hair has gotten over the past 10 months.  She’s got 2-3 super long strands in the back.  You can see one of them here. 

And here’s one more that I just had to throw in here for fun.  Baby crocs.  Are they not the cutest, or what?  Kate finally fits into these, so I think she’ll be getting some good use out of them now. 🙂

Since Saturday was so packed, we just came home from church and spent today being lazy around the house.  We did finish up a bit of laundry and Kate had to “help” her Daddy out.  I think she enjoyed the “helping”.   

And here are a few (lots) of pictures of Kate playing with her walker outside.

At first, I just let her walk around in the grass because I wasn’t sure how the dogs would respond to her.    They’re usually really gentle but I was scared they might bump her and knock her down.  I didn’t need to worry.  They were so gentle and Cooper just followed her closely, almost like he was guarding her!  I think they’re going to be best buds!

Oh the many faces of Kate. I love it!


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