Veggie Tales Giveaway

In honor of Kate’s birthday this Friday, I’m doing another giveaway!  It’s not really in honor of her birthday, but the timing worked out that way so I’m using the excuse.  đź™‚  So here we go…
I hope that by my past blog posts, anybody reading out there can tell that I’m a Christian.  I love Jesus, and hope that one day Kate decides to love and follow Jesus too.  Even as an almost 1 year old, we are sharing Him with her constantly.  We I sing to her Christian children’s songs (when nobody else can hear), we read from her Children’s Bible each night, and she is at church every Sunday and Wednesday.  Kate will grow up hearing about Jesus from both Kevin and me.  We will do our best to teach her, but who can’t use a little help?  Kids are going to want to watch TV, and as parent’s it’s our job to make sure what they do end up watching is appropriate, and hopefully somehow educational.  That’s why I love Veggie Tales.  
So, I’ll be giving away a copy of Veggie Tales: The Penniless Princess- God’s Little Girl.  

Here is how Big Idea (the production company) summarizes the DVD:

The DVD’s story is based on the children’s book A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett, and helps to teach an important lesson about knowing your own true worth and trusting God, no matter what happens in life.  Veggie Tales: The Penniless Princess- God’s Little Girl includes plenty of engaging and fun music fit for families, including the all-new Silly Songs “Best Friends Forever” and the featured song “No Matter What”, both in sing-along versions in the DVD bonus features.  Other bonus features include a special tour of London with the popular French Peas characters, a hilarious look at the history of the Teddy Bear, a discussion guide for parents, and behind-the-scenes clips.

I’ve watched the DVD and although it probably would appeal to little girls more than boys, it is by no means a girls-only movie.  It definitely teaches a good lesson in self-worth and how special we all are as God’s children.

So how to win?  

1. Follow my blog and let me know in a comment that you’re following.  If your email address is not included in your profile, please include that in your comment.  I’ll need to be able to contact the winner to find out where to ship it!
2. For an additional entry- share this giveaway!  You get an additional entry for each share on facebook, twitter, your blog, etc.  Let me know in a separate comment each time you’ve shared this and please include the link showing where you’ve shared it.

The giveaway runs from now through 9pm on Friday August 10th (Kate’s birthday). Good luck!!

PS- This DVD isn’t out yet, but it releases on August 14th.  If you don’t win, you can purchase it on or at most Christian stores.


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