Vacation Day 5 & 6 (Thursday & Friday)

We decided to make Thursday a boat day.  My mother-in-law, Diane, keeps Kate for us during the week and she must have missed Kate, because she and Grandma Betty came over for the day to join us.    We went out on the boat for a few hours, ate lunch, and Kate showed off some of her swimming skills. 🙂 

That evening, we met my parents at the local Mexican restaurant for dinner and then went back to their house to visit!  Definitely a fun day filled with LOTS of family time. 

On Friday, Kevin played golf again and Kate and I met up with one of my best friends and her son at…. the local Mexican restaurant!  Can you tell we love Mexican food?

Jillian and I have been friends since we were 4 years old and now we both have kids that are just 2 months apart in age.  It was fun to catch up over lunch.  We definitely do not do this enough and need to make more plans to get together!

After lunch, we took the kids to the park.  There was a lot going on there, as the town was getting set up for a big 4th of July event, but the playground was pretty much open. Kate and Bennett were everywhere!

It was so much fun seeing them play together.  Jillian and I have determined that they have the same personalities- strong willed, independent, stubborn, and hilarious. They sure are cute though, aren’t they!?

They were a sandy, sweaty mess after we left the park! We went straight home to wash Kate’s hair 3 times, and still didn’t get all of the sand out.

Later that evening, we intended to go to the park and check out the festival.  The Swingin’ Medallions were playing a free concert in the park and there were all kinds of other activities planned for the kids.  On our way over there, the sky fell out and it was raining buckets.  So, we took a detour and went back to my parent’s house.  We tried to wait out the rain, but the concert ended up getting called off.  When it finally stopped raining, we pulled out the leftover sparklers from Kristi’s wedding.  This was Kate’s first time actually being near fireworks, and she wasn’t too sure what to think of them.

By the end, she braved up enough to hold one with some help. (Note the serious expression.)

And then even held one by herself!


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