Vacation Day 3- Savannah

Here’s a recap of our second day in Savannah. Maybe even longer than the first.  Sorry!

Kate woke up about 7:30 so after her bottle, we went downstairs for breakfast.  We stayed at Embassy Suites, and part of the reason we chose this hotel is breakfast.  Embassy Suites serves a big breakfast each morning with everything you can think of.  So we went downstairs around 8 and filled up.  We brought Kate’s puffs but they weren’t satisfying her.  She was reaching for our food like crazy, so we gave in.  She got her first taste of an orange and LOVED it.  We really shouldn’t be surprised.  I don’t think she’s turned her nose up at any kind of food yet.

We came back to the room and got ready for the day while Kate napped.  We planned to do a trolley tour of the city since this would be our only full day in Savannah.  The weather forecast called for rain all day long (40%) but it looked sunny outside so we decided to take a chance and go do the trolley tours anyway.  I’m so glad that we did.  It was a lot of fun and we didn’t get rained on.

The trolley tour was really neat.  They took you around the city, and explained some of the history while you were riding.  They stopped at 15 different places and you could get off and go explore on your own.  When you were ready to go, you could hop back on the next trolley and head to the next stop.  The trolleys ran about every 15 minutes from 9 am until 4:30 pm so there was never a long wait.

We finally made it to Chippewa Square, which was what Kevin was looking forward to.  This was where the scenes were filmed from Forest Gump where Forest is sitting on the bench waiting for the bus.  This was the view from our trolley.

We stopped in front of Chippewa Square (above picture) and our driver was explaining some of the history when all of a sudden, this guy hopped on our trolley…

It was so funny.  This tour was not a “live history” kind of tour, so we weren’t expecting any re-enactments or anything like this.  He was pretending to be waiting on Lt. Dan so they could go look at a new shrimp boat they were wanting to buy.  At the end, he thought he saw Lt. Dan and took off running, Forest Gump style.  I have no idea where the trolley company found this guy, but they found the perfect person to fill this role.

It was lunchtime for Kate, so we got off the trolley at Forsyth Park.  This is where we stopped to eat…

We walked around Forsyth Park for just a little bit.  Apparently Saturday was Earth Day and there was all KINDS of stuff going on at the park.  We didn’t head into the crowded area of the park, but we did check out the fountain.  

Then we hopped back on the trolley and just decided to ride for a bit.  We ended up riding all the way to the end, and never got back off.  It took us about an hour to tour the remainder of the city and by the time we got back, Kate was exhausted.  She was past due for a nap, but had done great all day long.  So we went back to the hotel to get a little bit of rest.

We’d wanted to go to Tybee Island that night, but the rain was moving in so we decided to skip it and just go to the mall.  This is how Kate travels.  Can you tell she’s on vacation?  She doesn’t look relaxed at all!

Our Saturday was another great day in Savannah!  This time last year, I couldn’t even imagine being on vacation with a baby.  It was definitely an adventure (like Kate’s bath time- which I’ll share tomorrow) and we learned a lot about what vacation with a baby means, but it was a lot of fun and there were definitely a lot of memories made!  Happy Monday everyone!


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