
I am going to try posting from my phone for the very first time. We’ll see how this goes…

Today was a bitter sweet day, and I’ll explain that in another post some other day, but after work we packed up our rented mini van and left for the beach!

We’re going to Atlantic Beach, NC which is about 8 hrs away. Since its such a long drive, we didn’t want to attempt it all in one day with our 9 month old. So we left today and the plan was to drive halfway. We were off to a good start until we got held up by two things…

Kate and traffic. About an hr after leaving Kate woke up ready to eat. We’d wanted to get a little further but what could we do. So we went ahead and stopped at Zaxby’s for dinner. After getting back on the road, we hit construction. Thee times. Luckily it didn’t set us too far back but was still frustrating.

And tomorrow, we are beach bound! Woohoo!


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