
Under the “Big Top”

Every now and then, we try to do something a little special for Kate.  And now that we have Karsten too, we’ll continue to try to do things that are a little special for both girls.  I know most of their memories will be of normal day-to-day things, but we love being able to do things that are a little bit different than just a normal weekend at home.

We are lucky that there is a large facility only 30 minutes away from our house, and there are concerts, shows, etc. that are there ALL THE TIME.  By no means do we go to everything that would interest us, but we do get to attend a good many shows.  Around this time last year we saw Winter Jam and Kate went to her very first concert.

Earlier this week I realized that the circus was in town, so I stopped by on my lunch break to purchase tickets. So today, we went to the circus!


The circus comes to town every year, but we’ve never gone.  Each year I’ve justified not going by thinking that Kate was too young to really enjoy it.  And I’m glad we waited! This was her first experience with the circus and it did not disappoint!

All week, she has been looking forward to “the flying elephants” and the “seals”.  While there may not have been flying elephants, there were lots of elephants!  And I’m not sure where she came up with the seals, but there were so many other things to pay attention to, she completely forgot about trying to find seals!

Karsten even loved it.  We had an extra seat because my mom got sick and wasn’t able to join us, so we brought Karsten inside in her carrier.  She was asleep, so we stuck her in her chair.  I wasn’t sure exactly how long she would sleep because it wasn’t exactly quiet, but she did nap for about 30 minutes into the show.  Once she woke up, she was enthralled with the action and actually paid attention to everything!

When everything was over, Kate cried because she did not want to leave. That is how much fun she had!  She kept saying “but I wanna do it AGAIN!”

Two happy kids.  No meltdowns (except for the disappointment of it being over).  I call that a successful trip!




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