Too Cool For School

I guess I should clarify.  Kate’s not really too cool for school, she’s just a bit too young for school.  Either way, she looks pretty cute in her new sun glasses.

Kevin and I both wear sunglasses frequently and then just perch them on top of our heads when we come inside.  It seems like Kate is always trying to grab them off of our heads, so we have joked around about getting her a pair.  I picked these up at Target on Sunday when I was running errands and completely forgot that I’d bought them until Sunday night.  I stuck them on Kate, hoping to get one cute picture.  She totally surprised me.  I thought for sure she’d try to pull them off immediately, but she didn’t!  She just looked around and kept right on playing.

Then she got tired of all of the pictures and tried to shield herself from the paparazzi like she’s famous or something.  đź™‚  Sorry Kate.  Better get used to all of these pictures because I don’t have any intention of stopping.

She even decided to keep them on to play in her activity center. 
Notice the hands in the mouth for all of the pictures?  If I haven’t mentioned it (and I know I have), but we’re teething over here in our household.  Kate now has TWO teeth.  They’re both on the bottom.  No sign of any of the top ones yet, but I know they can’t be too far off! 
PS- If you haven’t entered yourself to win a free copy of the children’s book Sweet Moon Baby, click here  to go my giveaway post to enter by leaving a comment!  Good luck!


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