
Today was Kate’s very last day as an under-1 year old.  Of course I took pictures and we had fun, but I’m not sharing that tonight.  Tonight I was thinking about what we did a year ago today.  You’re probably thinking we were washing clothes, packing bags, getting ready for a baby, etc.  You would be wrong.  We were at a concert.  You see, although Kate’s due date was the day before (August 8th), we honestly didn’t expect her to come on her own.  Kate’s birth mom was set to be induced the morning of August 11th.  We pretty much thought that’s what was going to happen. 
So on August 9th, 2011 we went to see Hillsong United in concert.  We had bought the tickets way before we even knew about Kate.  There was no reason to back out, our bags WERE packed and we were already ready.  Well, I guess as ready as you can be.  
We left the concert and I remember telling Kevin it was my favorite concert I’d ever been to.  If you ever get the chance to see Hillsong United in person, go!  The only downside was that they started about 30 minutes late.  But it was a great night, and kept my mind off of all of the “what ifs”.  We got home well after 11… and it was a week night, people!  The next day we got the call that Kate was on her way. 
How different a year is!  Tonight, my house was quiet at 9:30.  I’ve spent the evening playing with a little girl, getting party stuff ready, and watching the olympics. And I wouldn’t change a thing.  We didn’t have 9 months to prepare for a child, I didn’t carry Kate in my belly, and genetically her DNA does not come from me or Kevin, but she is OURS.  And she is loved.  No, I definitely wouldn’t change a thing.  Not one single thing.
Adoption Art - You May Not Have My Eyes Or Smile But From That Very First Moment You Had My Heart Adoption Date Print

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