Toddler Time

When Kate was sick, she was inside for almost a solid week.  It was pretty cold and yucky outside so she probably wouldn’t have been out there anyway, but she is SUCH an outside girl.  She was definitely getting a little bit of cabin fever, and there is only so much that will entertain a 17 month old.  So after going through all of her toys for the hundredth time, I decided I had to be a little bit creative.  I pulled out a little box that was left over at Christmas and a stack of painted popsicle sticks that were with all of my craft stuff. 
It kept her entertained for TWENTY minutes.  I’m sure some of you don’t think that’s a very long time, but believe me, in toddler-time twenty minutes is a lifetime!  She played with them all by herself, putting the sticks in the box and then dumping them all out.  I couldn’t believe how those two simple things kept her entertained.

Since then she has played with the popsicle sticks and box at least every couple of days.  Oh the things that will entertain a child. 🙂

PS: If you haven’t checked it out yet, head on over to my online Kelly’s Kids party.  You can place orders online anytime between now and February 14th!  And just let me know if you’d rather have a real catalog. I’d be happy to mail one over to you. You can email me at kelleyandkevin(at) 


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