Things I Want to Remember

I really need to do a Memorial Day post, but in the meantime here’s a list of a few things that I want to remember… with a few Memorial Day weekend pictures slipped in!

If you’ve been following my blog for any amount of time, you know that this blog is ALL about Kate. 🙂  Basically it’s her baby book.  Since she is changing so much and doing so many new things, I wanted to do a post on some of these things so I don’t ever forget them!  So, here we go…

1. Kate has learned to spit.  Perfect.  One minute she’ll be crawling around on the floor, and the next minute she’ll be frozen in place (still in the crawling position), looking at the ground.  When I look to see what she’s doing, she’ll be making a big spit puddle in the floor.  She thinks it’s amazing.  I think it’s disgusting.

2. She’s learned to share, or at least wants me to copy what she’s doing.  When I’m playing on the floor with her, she usually has a toy that she is chewing on.  She’ll be chewing away and then realize that Mommy’s not chewing on anything.  So she’ll crawl over to me and try to shove whatever toy she was playing with in my mouth.

3. She has started turning her head to the side to look at you.  It’s so cute, but hard to explain.  She’ll be staring at you and then just cock her head to the side and smile.

4.  She LEANS where she wants to go and has total faith that you won’t drop her.  It’s getting pretty bad.  This past weekend, she did it to my dad while he was holding her on the couch.  She just leaned over the edge toward the floor.  Luckily he had his hands on her, or else she would have face-planted onto the floor.  She does this all the time!

5. She LOVES her Daddy.  She’s a happy, people-person kind of baby anyway, but when her Daddy walks into the room she just lights up.  He gets the best smiles.  Not that I’m jealous or anything.


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