The Day A Little Snow Shut Down the State

Get ready for a picture overload, because on Tuesday, it snowed in SC.  That’s right- snow!  It seems like we used to get at least one decent snow a year, but in the past few years we really haven’t gotten much of anything.  And when I say “decent”, I mean a few inches.  To those of us in SC, even a few inches of snow is a ton and shuts the state down.  We’re not prepared or equipped for snow, and why should we be?  Snow is NOT typical SC weather.  Just a few days ago we got snow, and as I sit here typing this, it is 65 degrees outside.  So snow is pretty special, and this one was even more special because it was Kate’s very first snow!  Of course I had to document it, so welcome to my picture overload…

So first of all, I was at work when it started snowing.  Where I sit is not near a window so I was really surprised when some of my coworkers said it actually was snowing.  Typically, when the weather people actually call for snow, we don’t get any.  Since they were calling for us to get 1-2 inches, I honestly thought it would completely miss us! But it didn’t.  Kevin called me a little while later to ask when I was coming home.  It didn’t look bad where my office was, but he told me I should probably get some stuff to work on from home and come on ahead.  I’m definitely no snow-driver, and I definitely didn’t want to be on the road at the same time as a lot of other non-snow-drivers, so I came on home.  After I finished up some work, Kate’s Nana came over to take her out in the snow.

I wouldn’t say Kate LOVED it, but she didn’t hate it either.  She wasn’t a fan of the snow being all over her swing-set though and spend a long time “cleaning it off”.

The boys were big fans of the snow.

Side note: Kevin and I have always called Max and Cooper “the boys” when we are referring to them.  We’ll ask Kate if she wants to go outside to see the boys, and she’s really picked up on what we’ve said.  Now, she puts her own little spin on the phrase and I think it’s giving me a glimpse of what our life is going to be like in 10 years.  She’ll look at me and say “Mama, let’s go see ALL THE BOYS.”  The first time she told me that, it took me a few minutes to realize she was talking about Max and Cooper, and I was wondering where in the world she learned that from!



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