The Chaos of May

Any parent of a school-aged kid knows that May is non-stop.  Field day, yearbook day, clean out day, awards day, final field trip of the year, last day of _____ (fill in the blank), the start of summer activities, etc.  There is something planned for every day of the month.  All of the activities make for some happy (and exhausted) kids, and it definitely keeps parents on their toes. I call May a “win” if I didn’t forget to sign the permission trip or send in the money.

One of Kate’s favorite days of May is field day, and honestly it was probably one of my favorite days as a kid too. With all of the rain we have gotten lately, it wasn’t looking good for field day to be a reality. However, when the date rolled around, the weather ended up pretty great.

Normally I drag this kid out of bed, but not on this day. Here she is at 7:00 am, bright eyed and ready to go! (Don’t judge the hat; she dressed herself. I’m holding out hope that Karsten will be a Clemson fan.)

She also posed herself. 🙂  Love this girl and her snaggletooth grin!

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