That’s My Girl!
I TOLD you that Kate likes books! 🙂 She has a whole box of toys, and what does she pull out? This is her favorite book right now. It’s a First Words trainer book- a gift from her great grandmother in Charleston. Kate loves it!
0I TOLD you that Kate likes books! 🙂 She has a whole box of toys, and what does she pull out? This is her favorite book right now. It’s a First Words trainer book- a gift from her great grandmother in Charleston. Kate loves it!
0Well Kate is 11 months old. Actually, she was 11 months old on July 10th, but that’s besides the point. She has grown so much…
March was always an eventful month growing up. Of the four immediate family members living in our house, half of us had March birthdays. Mine…
I made Kevin get his own blog. 🙂 Well I didn’t really MAKE him, but he did get his own blog. I think I’ve said…
On Valentine’s Sunday I dressed the girls for church in pinks (what else?). Of course I had to get a few quick pictures of them,…
I thought I was on the ball this year. Back in early November, I saw a “deal” on to pay $16 for $45 worth…
I had this post in mind for a few days, but I wanted a specific picture to go here. It was one of my dad…