Thanksgiving 2019

This year we celebrated Thanksgiving at my parent’s house, and lots of family was able to make the trip and get together. It was a GREAT time and I loved seeing some of my cousins who are now spread out all over the US. The kids had so much fun playing with each other and even though they’ve only all been together a handful of times in their lives, they acted like they were best friends. It’s great how kids bond so quickly.

On one of the last nights, we had oysters and clams. My picky eater, Kate, was determined not to wimp out and actually tried both – and LIKED them! Y’all. Who is this kid? Now if I can get her to do the same every night at dinnertime.

All in all, it was a great couple of days. Some of the best of times, with some of the best people around! Happy Thanksgiving!


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