Thanksgiving 2013

We’ve been switching holiday locations around lately, and this year we spent Thanksgiving with my parents in my home town.  There is a small airport where Kevin and I live, and my cousin was flying in at 2 on Thanksgiving day, so we waited around to pick him up before heading to my parent’s house.  We enjoyed a big Thanksgiving feast for dinner, and then all just spent some time visiting together.  I had so much fun catching up with everyone, that I didn’t even pull out my camera until the day was basically over.  I did get a picture of Kate and Kevin cuddled up and watching Tangled.  Kate is turning into a princess kind of girl.  She spent the next few days begging for ‘punzel! (Rapunzel)

And then I did get a quick one of the three of us before we tucked Kate into bed for the night. 

We definitely have a lot to be THANKFUL for.


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  1. It's so nice to be able to see family during the holidays. Sometimes when we break out our cameras too early, we miss all the fun. You were still able to capture some precious shots, though! I spent this Thanksgiving with my grandparents, age 93 and 82, for the first year in a long time. My son, Mason, and I were grateful for the extra time with them this year.

  2. It's so nice to be able to see family during the holidays. Sometimes when we break out our cameras too early, we miss all the fun. You were still able to capture some precious shots, though! I spent this Thanksgiving with my grandparents, age 93 and 82, for the first year in a long time. My son, Mason, and I were grateful for the extra time with them this year.

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