Take Me Out To The Ball Game

We spent Mother’s day afternoon at a Greenville Drive baseball game.  We got tickets through my work in a lottery system and we just happened to “win” tickets to the game on Mother’s day Sunday.  We were excited to see Kate’s reaction, but weren’t really sure how the afternoon was going to go for a couple of reasons.  The biggest reason was that the game was at 4pm that afternoon and other than a 10 minute nap in the car, Kate hadn’t slept all day.  She did great though. 
Our seats were right behind the dugout, which was perfect because there was nobody in front of us for Kate to bother.  And, the wall was high enough that she wasn’t able to climb up onto the dugout, but it was short enough for her to see over.  Perfect. 

We ended up staying for 5 innings, which was plenty of time.  And the weather was great.  It was a bit warm when the game started, but then it cooled off a bit. 

Kate seemed to enjoy everything, except for the mascot (Reedy Rip’it the Frog). She was not a fan.  She loved him from a distance and would point and say “Elmo”.  That in itself is confusing since she doesn’t watch Sesame Street, but whatever. If he came close though, she would put her head on my shoulder and try to hide. And once he got on top of the dugout right in front of us, she was terrified. She climbed under the chairs to hide.  

Other than THAT, I think she had fun at the game (or maybe it was just the cotton candy).  It was a good end to my second Mother’s day.


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  1. It is so crazy that you mentioned she knows Elmo even though you don't watch Sesame Street! B keeps talking about Elmo, too, and points him out when she sees him in stores or on Netflix. As far as I know she has never seen Sesame Street. How do they know who Elmo is?!

  2. It is so crazy that you mentioned she knows Elmo even though you don't watch Sesame Street! B keeps talking about Elmo, too, and points him out when she sees him in stores or on Netflix. As far as I know she has never seen Sesame Street. How do they know who Elmo is?!

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