Sweet Summertime

Some things just say “summer” more than others.  For our family, those are mostly food related items- like watermelon, strawberries, corn on the cob, grilled burgers, and of course ICE CREAM.  Kate has had ice cream before, but we’ve always been inside so we’ve had to “help” her eat it.  Last night, we just went outside, stripped off her shirt, and let her have fun.  And boy, did she have fun.



She must have been feeling generous, because she would hold her ice cream bar out to the dogs and say “Boys! Bite?”.  We didn’t let her share with them, so I’m sure they felt like they were being teased.

Again, the pictures don’t do it justice, but she was a total mess by the end of the ice cream.  I’m pretty sure she enjoyed it.  She definitely went straight into the bathtub once it was gone.


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