Sunday Sunday

Sunday was definitely NOT a relaxing day.  It was great, but it was another a packed day.  BUSY!  We went to church Sunday morning, then to lunch with family and friends, then BACK to church for baptism, and then out to eat for dinner with Ken and Angela (Kevin’s brother and his wife).  

After the baptisms, we let Kate and the other kids play around in the water while it was draining. She loved it.  Here are some pictures from the baptism of Kate with her Uncle Ken, with her Daddy and with her Papa. 

We went to Papas and Beer for dinner Sunday night and Kate LOVED the guacamole.  So much that it was the only thing she wanted to eat.  She would shake her head at anything else, but would open her mouth wide when she saw the green guacamole!  We’re going to have to order it just for her the next time we go.

And I had to share these next two pictures just because I think they are so cute!  I painted Kate’s toes Sunday afternoon.  She was totally calm and just watched me paint her toes.  I really couldn’t believe that she just let me do it, but she did.


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