Sunday “Dinner”

Kate still had a very slight fever on Sunday (around 99.5) and wasn’t quite back to her normal self.  I decided to take her to church anyway, but not send her into the nursery just in case.  I still don’t know what she had. Maybe it was just some 24 hour thing.  Whatever.
We stayed out in the service and listened to the music but once the message started, we went out into the foyer area and tried to watch it on the television.  Kate got pretty antsy so we ended up in Kevin’s office, playing with his golf balls.  

Do you say “dinner” or “supper”?  Do they both mean the meal at the end of the day, or does one of them actually mean lunch?  This is an argument that Kevin and I have had FOREVER.  I say dinner when I’m talking about the meal at the end of the day, but Kevin calls it supper.  I also grew up where “Sunday dinner” meant the big meal that you ate after church.  My parent’s came up to visit on Sunday and we met them, Kristi, and her friend Davis for a big “Sunday dinner” at Mutt’s BBQ. 


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  1. Love the pictures of everyone!!! Kate just gets cuter by the minute!!! Hope to see her sometime this summer!!

  2. Love the pictures of everyone!!! Kate just gets cuter by the minute!!! Hope to see her sometime this summer!!

  3. I call the mid-day meal lunch, and on Sunday it's "Sundee lunch", no matter how long I've lived in the big city. 🙂 And the end of the day is supper.

    I hope Kate's 100% now!

  4. I call the mid-day meal lunch, and on Sunday it's "Sundee lunch", no matter how long I've lived in the big city. 🙂 And the end of the day is supper.

    I hope Kate's 100% now!

  5. This must be my husband's problem! He lived in Georgia for a good part of his lifetime, and the last meal if the day is SUPPER to him. He thinks I'm wrong for calling it dinner. 🙂

  6. This must be my husband's problem! He lived in Georgia for a good part of his lifetime, and the last meal if the day is SUPPER to him. He thinks I'm wrong for calling it dinner. 🙂

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