Summertime in February

Crazy weather.  That’s all I can really say.  Snow last week, and in the 70’s this weekend.  Crazy, but I’ll take it! And since the weather was so nice, we decided to load up our dogs into the truck and head to my parent’s lake house for the day.  So much fun!

My dad hadn’t gotten back from hunting that morning, so Kate kept looking for him to drive up.

And was so very excited to see her Pick when he did pull into the driveway!

She is definitely in the “helping” stage, so anytime she sees you doing ANYTHING, she says “I hep you do it!”  One thing she loves to “help” you with is your shoes, so of course she offered her services to Pick as he changed out of his boots. 
And here she is supervising.

She definitely loves her Gigi too!

Of course we had to walk down to the lake.  Kate saw the dogs jumping in and kept saying “I go swimming too!”.  Although it was warm, I think we’ll wait til it gets a good bit warmer before we stick our toes in the water.

Can’t wait til summertime!


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