Today was Kate’s last day of second grade. The year has breezed past us, and it sure has been a great one. Here is my annual first day and last day comparison picture. Who is that teenager on the right?!?

Like I said, this year has been so great for Kate. This is the first year that she has gotten letter grades, and it has really pushed her to care about the work she is doing. She is my artist and loves to draw, color and do anything crafty. At the end of the school year, she won an art award in the end of year awards.

She also got an “Amazing Author” award for her writing skills. We may have to force her to read, but the girl LOVES to write. She is super descriptive and her stories are filled with so much imagination and detail.

While she has LOVED second grade, she is super excited for third grade. Kate’s teacher will be moving up to third grade and we had the option to loop with her. So, Kate’s class will stay together for the most part and have the same teacher again next year for third grade. We are looking forward to another great school year for third grade. But first, SUMMER!


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