Such a Slacker

I promise this isn’t going to turn into one of those blogs where all I do is put up a Monday post to recap our weekend.  Promise! We’ve been busy, busy, busy and I honestly just haven’t felt like blogging when I have had some down time.  But, now I do so here is what we’ve been up to, and some cute pictures of Kate!

On Friday, we went to my home town for a surprise birthday party for an old friend.  My parent’s watched Kate while we went to the party!  No pictures, but we had a good time and I’m pretty sure my mom and dad had fun playing with Kate. 🙂

Saturday Kate slept in.  I just love how she sleeps.  So adorable.  I can’t even imagine how this is comfortable though!

Then, we did housework and yard work.  While I was cleaning, Kate pulled the box of baking soda off of the counter that I was using to clean.  This was the aftermath…

At one of my good friend’s suggestion, I bought Kate some pasta pickups.  She loves them.  The ones she tried first were spinach and cheese, and she’s definitely a fan.

 Saturday evening we went to some friend’s house for dinner.  We had such a good time with them, and their kids were great with Kate.  Their little boy even shared his banana with Kate… he definitely knew the way to her heart! 

I’ll post more about our weekend tomorrow evening, but we definitely had a good Saturday!


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  1. Hey Angie! I'm SO sorry it's taken me this long to reply. It usually doesn't take me as long. The Pasta Pickups are great! They're by Gerber (Gerber Graduates) and come in a little self-serve tray. I got mine at Target in the baby section. Here's a link to the product at Walmart. You can copy/paste it into your browser. I usually cut up each ravioli into 3 separate pieces. Kate likes to shove too much in her mouth at once!

  2. Hey Angie! I'm SO sorry it's taken me this long to reply. It usually doesn't take me as long. The Pasta Pickups are great! They're by Gerber (Gerber Graduates) and come in a little self-serve tray. I got mine at Target in the baby section. Here's a link to the product at Walmart. You can copy/paste it into your browser. I usually cut up each ravioli into 3 separate pieces. Kate likes to shove too much in her mouth at once!

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