Stick Snatcher

Kate has come to love our dogs.  Kevin throws a ball for them in the yard each night, and Kate likes to watch them and will try to go get them. 
Our dogs are big.  Max is about 80lbs and Cooper is about 100lbs.  They’re pretty gentle with Kate though.  Max pretty much stays out of her way.  Cooper on the other hand… Well, that’s a different story.  He likes to walk RIGHT beside her when she’s walking around.  He looks like he’s trying to protect her, but I think it just gets on her nerves.  If she trips and falls down, he has to sniff her out to make sure she’s okay.  He’s so careful with her, but he’s just all over her.  
Anyway, Kate and I were walking around the yard the other day and she picked up a small stick.  It was probably 6-8 inches long and about as thick as my pinky.  Our dogs LOVE sticks.  They basically eat them.  Since Cooper was RIGHT THERE with Kate when she picked up the stick, of course he noticed it.  Here is the progression of what happened…
Kate picks up the stick and starts walking….
Cooper is eyeing the stick…

Still eyeing the stick…

And now trying to take the stick…

But Kate won the first “battle”….

Round 2…

Cooper won this one. It’s hard to really see the stick, but it’s sticking out of his mouth…

And now he’s eating it…

It broke and the big half fell to the ground, so Kate tried to get it back…

But Cooper was too quick for her. 

Don’t worry.  We have plenty of sticks in our yard.  It only took Kate about 2 seconds to find another one.


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