St. Patrick’s Day 2013

We didn’t have any set plans for this weekend, and that turned out to be a really good thing.  About 2 weeks ago, Kate got her very first ear infection. She finished her first antibiotic last Sunday and by Monday she was already coughing and snotty again.  We thought she was getting yet another cold, but by Friday her cough was just too deep and constant.  Kevin took her back to the doctor, only to find out that she now has a double ear infection. 
I have to say, she is a trooper.  We had no clue that she had an ear infection, much less a double ear infection.  She never pulled on her ears, or whined or complained.  Her only real symptom was the terrible cough.   She’s now on Augmentin and it has got to be the worst medication ever.  Getting Kate to take this medicine is a twice-a-day challenge for both Kevin and myself.  It is driving us CRAZY. 
We laid low this weekend, and on Sunday I decided to keep her home from church.  She seems okay for the most part, but her cough is pretty bad and I wouldn’t want to send her into the nursery like that.  And she’s too big to go into the service with us. 
The weather was perfect this afternoon so we ventured outside for a little bit so Kate could play with “the boys”.   She really loves Max and Cooper and can say both of their names now. 

She picked a couple of Daffodils and was convinced that Cooper needed to eat them. 

And that’s pretty much how we spent our St. Patty’s day weekend.  We are quite the adventurous family, huh?


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