Smiles for Santa?

Last week, Santa came to my work! This worked out great, because we weren’t really looking forward to going to the mall and standing in line for hours to see Santa. One of our shareholders at work dressed up as Santa and I have to say, he was pretty impressive.
This was Karsten’s first Santa visit, and I had a pretty good idea of how this was going to go. Let’s just say, she did not prove my suspicions wrong.
Karsten was less than thrilled with Santa. She is pretty clingy to me, and didn’t even want to look at Santa when I got close to him. I tried to ease her into it and when that didn’t work, I just plopped her in his lap and walked off. Obviously that did not work.
Kate, of course, was so excited to see Santa and let him know that she REALLY wanted “Chase from Paw Patrol” for Christmas.
We stayed around for about 30 minutes while the kids ran around and played with each other. Karsten is in a running-everywhere phase so she would take off, and then she would realize that she was running toward Santa, so she’d quickly stop and then change directions.
She was much more excited about dinner later than night than the jolly ‘ole man in the red suit.
Maybe next year…