Small Town Home Town

When I was 4 years old, my family moved to a very small town in SC.  It was my dad’s home town so it was like going “home” for him.  And that’s where we lived for the rest of my childhood.  In fact, my parents still live there now.

In full disclosure, it’s not like we lived in a booming metropolis before the move, and I was also 4 so I remember very little about where we lived before, but still.  This small town of population 2,000ish and 2 red lights became the place I talk about when I tell people where I came from, and it made me who I am today.

At daycare and kindergarten, I met four friends and we struck up a friendship that lasts even today.  Some of our moms called us the “Fab Five”.  One of the benefits of a small town is that you go all the way through school together with the same group of people, from kindergarten all the way to high school.  Our town didn’t have multiple elementary schools, that funneled into different middle schools and then other high schools.  We had 1 of each. So we knew everyone. I graduated with about 90 people and so I knew every single person who walked the stage with me.

On Friday, I got to go back home and have dinner with 3 of those friends that I grew up with.  The 4th lives in Mississippi, so we are giving her a pass since it would have been a bit of a long drive for dinner in SC. 🙂

Regardless, I am so thankful for these friendships. Friendships that have gone through sleepovers and giggles, dance and gymnastics, learning to drive, Friday night football games, figuring out how to wear makeup, proms, first boyfriends, many different hairstyles, different colleges, weddings, first jobs and then job changes, and kids.

Kindergarten to 2016… looking forward to many more years of friendship with these girls ladies!  Hard to believe that we’re all grown ups now. 🙂

Oh hey – If you could click the link below to vote for me, I’d be so grateful. Thanks!


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