Shoe Shoppin’
On Tuesday Kevin and I went to Khol’s and Academy Sports to find a few things he needed for his trip to the PGA tournament in Kiawah next week. While he was looking for his stuff, I took Kate and wandered around. Of course I ended up in the shoe section. I found the CUTEST little Nike’s and had to try them on Kate. They fit perfectly. So I put her on the ground and let her walk around in them. She would high-step in them, since she isn’t used to wearing REAL shoes. She normally wears sandals, but not something that covers her entire foot. I let her walk for a few minutes and then put her back into the shopping cart so I could put the shoes back. Well, she did NOT want me to take those shoes off of her feet. Seriously. She got so mad when I tried to take them off.
I ended up having to put her in the big part of the shopping cart and push her around until we found Kevin so Kate could show him her shoes. Not that she told me to do that. It’s just the only thing that stopped the crying.
I really wasn’t planning on actually getting the shoes, but I caved. I’ll wrap them up and let her open them next week as her birthday present. Besides, every girl needs a good pair of tennis shoes, right?