“School’s” Out For Summer

Kate’s last day of “school” was yesterday.  In reality, she just goes to a one-day-a-week Mother’s Day Out program.  We call it “school” to her though because it’s so much easier.  She’s had a great year and we’re looking forward to next year, when she’ll go more than just once a week.  I took a picture of her on her first and last day and think it is so crazy to see how much she has grown.

I mean I know every mom thinks their child has grown a lot between the first and last days, but seriously, to me it looks like Kate is 3 years older instead of just 8 months older.  She started as a baby and now she is a little girl.  I’m kind of sad to think of what her “last day” picture will look like next year. For now we will just enjoy the summer!


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