School’s Out for Summer!

Well, Kate is officially a “Mother’s Day Out” graduate.  Last Thursday was her last day of “school” for the year, so of course I had to take some pictures to document the monumental day. I think somebody was just a little bit happy for the last day of school.  (If I’m being honest, she was just happy to be able to hold the sign.)

It is crazy how fast this school year has gone, and it’s also a little bit crazy just how big my girl has gotten in the past 9 months.  Just for fun, here’s a little comparison between her first day of school and her last day of school…

Doesn’t she look a little more excited for the LAST day of school than she does for the FIRST day of school??
Like I said, this was Kate’s last year in Mother’s Day Out.  Next year, she starts a 3 year old preschool.  Time sure does fly! 


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