Rollin’ Rollin’ Rollin’…

When we took Karsten home from the hospital, the nurse that had been caring for her told us that she had already been doing tummy time. I guess that’s normal, but it has been 3 years since we had a newborn so I was a bit surprised. I seemed to remember that tummy time came a little bit later. Like, they at least needed to be a few months old, right?

So one night, when Karsten was about 9 days old, my mom and I were sitting in the living room and Karsten was on the floor getting in a few minutes of said tummy time. She was not a fan, and the next thing we knew, she rolled herself over from her tummy to her back.  I thought it was a fluke. 9 day old infants are not supposed to be rolling.  That comes later.  I even Googled it. Average time to start rolling from tummy to back is about 4 months.

Fast forward to 13 days old, and I had her back on the floor for some more tummy time. She rolled over again. And again. And again…. I started to get the point. She absolutely hates tummy time.


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