
After work on Thursday we went to Lowe’s to check out their swing sets.  Somebody has a birthday coming up. 🙂  While we were there, I saw a Kate-sized chair in PINK.  I just had to get a picture. 

I know that one day she will hate the camera, and hate having me take so many pictures of her, but I am loving that right now anytime she tries something new, the smile is automatic.
Friday night we met some friends for dinner. We met them at 6:45 which is right about the time Kate normally eats dinner each night.  As we were getting ready to go, Kate walked into our dining room and found her “stash” of food.  She pulled out a cup of peaches and walked all over the house with it, trying to get us to open it.  When we wouldn’t, she tried to get into it herself.  Luckily she was unsuccessful.  She pitched a fit when I took it away from her so we could get in the car!


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