Random Ramblings

This post is going to be a bit all over the place, but that’s okay.  I’ve got lots of pictures to include!!

First, Kate had oatmeal for the first time last night and LOVED it.  I made way too much because when I started pouring it out it came out REALLY fast.  I probably made about 3 times as much as I’d been making of the rice cereal (which she hated).  She ate all but the last bite!  I think we have a winner.  Tonight she had it for the second time and did really well! YAY.

This past Saturday I got to break out my Christmas present.  Kevin got me a sewing/embroidery machine! 🙂  I really wanted this and I’ve gotten to play around with the different stitches but haven’t gotten to really DO anything with it.  Kristi gave me a gift card to Hancock Fabrics for my birthday so Saturday afternoon I took a Mommy trip to the fabric store while Kevin spent some quality Kate/Daddy time.

Like I said, my machine is a sewing AND embroidery machine.  I’ll probably try out some of the sewing stuff too, but since it’s about to be busy season, I’m going to save that for after April 15th.  I’m scared that if I try to start on something now, Kate will have grown out of it by the time I finish making it!  I’m REALLY excited about the embroidery feature though.  My machine has a USB cable that you can connect to your computer and download files.  I’m going to eventually try appliques but first I wanted to try my hand at just plain embroidery.  Here is the first thing I made…

It actually wasn’t as hard as I thought, so I think this will be a fun hobby.  And, I’ll definitely improve once I do it a few more times.  Next time I may try my hand at the applique.  We’ll see!

In other news, Kate is holding her bottle by herself (sometimes).  She still likes to be lazy and let me hold it for her, and I really don’t mind.  She’s doing so many new things and I definitely don’t want to rush anything.  I’ll happily hold her bottle for her when she’ll let me.  Here are a few pictures of her new talent.

And then because she realized that I had grabbed my camera, and just wanted to show off she had to say “Yes, Mom.  I am so good at this that I can do it one handed!”

And the last Kate-item for today is that she is sitting up so well!  I sat her on the floor and she just leaned over and looked like she was about to take off crawling!  She’s not sitting upright all the way, but I’m impressed at how much her upper body strength has improved even in the last week!

And just because I think it’s cute… one more picture!  Happy Monday!


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